Videos Charlotte Joshua Nathaniel Madelyn

December 12, 2005 We got to go to Disneyworld while I was in Orlando for business. Pictures are located at

October 15, 2005 We recently returned from a weeklong trip up to Virginia and back down the Blue Ridge Parkway. Pictures of family and scenery are located at

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[hi] [low] September 13, 2006

[hi] [low] June 19, 2011 Prairiefest: petting zoo, pony rides, and fair rides. (33 pictures)

[hi] [low] April 24, 2011 Easter pictures, then an egg hunt. (52 pictures)

[hi] [low] March 17, 2011 St. Patrick's Day pictures. (16 pictures)

[hi] [low] February 02, 2011 Charlotte and Joshua outside after our blizzard. We got around 20 inches, but the wind blew it all into drifts. (12 pictures)

[hi] [low] December 24, 2010 Christmas pictures. (24 pictures)

[hi] [low] December 05, 2010 Decorating the Christmas tree. (12 pictures)

[hi] [low] December 04, 2010 Nathaniel decided it was too cold, so he gave up and lay down in the snow. (1 picture)

[hi] [low] November 25, 2010 Charlotte and Joshua playing keyboard. (6 pictures)

[hi] [low] October 31, 2010 The kids ready for trick-or-treating. Charlotte was Jessie, Joshua was Buzz Lightyear, and Nathaniel was Woody, all from Toy Story. Mommy was a witch and Madelyn was her cat. We trick-or-treated during a blackout, but thankfully it starts in the afternoon here. (7 pictures)

[hi] [low] October 16, 2010 The kids at Kuipers' Pumpkin Farm. It has a corn maze, petting zoo, pony rides, and lots of other fun stuff. (48 pictures)

[hi] [low] May 15, 2010 Visiting Miss Megan's house: riding horses and seeing goats and dogs. (70 pictures)

[hi] [low] January 17, 2008 Nathaniel was having pictures taken, and Charlotte and Joshua didn't want to be left out. (7 pictures)

[hi] [low] December 29, 2007 Charlotte and Joshua showing Nathaniel his Christmas presents. (6 pictures)

[hi] [low] December 14, 2007 Charlotte and Joshua visiting Santa after Charlotte's Christmas program. (4 pictures)

[hi] [low] December 08, 2007 The kids at our city's Christmas parade. (3 pictures)

[hi] [low] October 31, 2007 Charlotte the kitty and Joshua the monkey ready to trick-or-treat. (3 pictures)

[hi] [low] October 30, 2007 Charlotte and Joshua enjoyed cleaning out the pumpkin, then posing with it after it was carved. (10 pictures)

[hi] [low] October 26, 2007 We made our annual visit to Tate Farms today, where the kids got to play in cotton and corn, pet some animals, and pick out pumpkins. (38 pictures)

[hi] [low] October 13, 2007 Our local science museum had a truck day today. The kids got to look at (and go in) mail, fire, animal control, and CSI trucks and a HMMWV, among many others. (40 pictures)

[hi] [low] September 08, 2007 We went to Nashville today to see Thomas the Tank Engine. It was a bit rainy but not too bad most of the time. We got to ride on a train pulled by Thomas himself. It was Joshua's first time on a train, and he loved it. The kids got their pictures taken with Thomas and with Sir Topham Hatt. (39 pictures)

[hi] [low] September 05, 2007 Charlotte and Joshua modeling their hats from Mommy's knitting group, and Charlotte's new pony blanket. (14 pictures)

[hi] [low] July 02, 2007 Mommy was taking pictures for her blog, and the kids didn't want to be left out. (1 picture)

[hi] [low] June 03, 2007 The kids practicing their ballerina poses. (2 pictures)

[hi] [low] May 26, 2007 The family enjoying the balloon show, pony rides, moon bounce, and tractor show. Some of the nighttime balloon pictures came out better than others. (87 pictures)

[hi] [low] May 07, 2007 The kids playing in a creek here in town, along with some pictures from the Botanical Gardens, including flowers and turtles. (15 pictures)

[hi] [low] April 08, 2007 The kids showing off their Easter outfits. (12 pictures)

[hi] [low] April 07, 2007 The kids at the church Easter egg hunt. (7 pictures)

[hi] [low] December 27, 2006 The kids at the fish farm near Grandma and Grandpa Swallows' house. (5 pictures)

[hi] [low] December 25, 2006 The kids playing with their new Little People toys. (3 pictures)

[hi] [low] December 24, 2006 The kids making (and eating) cookies for Santa. (11 pictures)

[hi] [low] December 20, 2006 The kids with Mommy, Daddy, and Aunt Heather at the Christmas Village downtown. Some of the pictures in the candy cane forest are a bit ghostly due to long exposure times on the camera. (56 pictures)

[hi] [low] December 10, 2006 The kids having fun in a leaf pile. (10 pictures)

[hi] [low] December 07, 2006 The kids at Charlotte's school Christmas party, then opening their presents (aprons) from Mommy's secret gift swap partner. (14 pictures)

[hi] [low] November 06, 2006 The kids playing in the leaves in our front yard. (6 pictures)

[hi] [low] November 04, 2006 The kids got to make chocolate pudding for dessert tonight. (2 pictures)

[hi] [low] October 31, 2006 Charlotte got to go to the children's museum and see a puppet show, make a skeleton out of pipe cleaners, and play some other games. We went to a Halloween party at the church where Charlotte goes to preschool since it was raining outside, and the kids got to trick-or-treat and play games, then come home and have some candy. (22 pictures)

[hi] [low] October 30, 2006 The kids got to go to a Halloween event at the library today, then came home and helped with the jack-o'-lantern. (22 pictures)

[hi] [low] October 28, 2006 The kids got to go to a Halloween day at the Botanical Garden. They dressed up and got to play games, get candy, and be in a costume contest. After that, we went to Tate's Farm and they got to play in a trailer of cotton and a huge container of corn, play on a playground, go on a hayride to pick a pumpkin, and go on a corn train. (54 pictures)

[hi] [low] October 20, 2006 The kids got to go to the local high school's homecoming parade today. They spent plenty of time lying on the ground waiting, then got to pick up plenty of candy. (12 pictures)

[hi] [low] September 13, 2006 The kids got to have a picnic outside Charlotte's dance studio before her class started. (6 pictures)

[hi] [low] September 12, 2006 The kids enjoy licking some beaters. (2 pictures)

[hi] [low] June 28, 2006 Pictures of a huge model train setup in Helen, Georgia that the kids loved. (4 pictures)

[hi] [low] June 27, 2006 Charlotte and Joshua at Babyland General, the Cabbage Patch Kids birthplace. Charlotte witnessed the birth of a new baby, and got to choose the first name of Charlotte Samantha. Joshua and Charlotte both got strollers; Charlotte's with a baby, Joshua's with a turtle puppet. (16 pictures)

[hi] [low] June 25, 2006 Joshua eating a wedding cookie, the view from our condo overlooking Tampa Bay, and enjoying the sand and the pier. (9 pictures)

[hi] [low] June 24, 2006 Charlotte and Joshua (and Daddy) ready for Laurie's wedding, then dancing at the reception. (4 pictures)

[hi] [low] June 23, 2006 Charlotte, Joshua, and Timmy (the ring bearer) dancing to the rhythm of the steel drum band at Laurie's rehearsal dinner. (12 pictures)

[hi] [low] June 17, 2006 Charlotte and Joshua at a Scottish Highlands fair, where they saw a border collie herd sheep (and got to pet them), the caber toss, a dog parade, and plenty of plaid. (23 pictures)

[hi] [low] June 16, 2006 Charlotte and Joshua enjoying the new children's garden at the Huntsville Botanical Garden, then cooling off with some ice cream. (29 pictures)

[hi] [low] May 28, 2006 The kids just enjoy being in front of the camera. (3 pictures)

[hi] [low] April 16, 2006 The kids in their Easter outfits. (4 pictures)

[hi] [low] April 15, 2006 The kids at the church Easter activity, eating and looking for eggs. (14 pictures)

[hi] [low] March 12, 2006 The kids drinking their bottles together. (5 pictures)

[hi] [low] January 01, 2006 Charlotte and Joshua wearing Mommy and Daddy's hats from New Year's Eve. (1 picture)

[hi] [low] October 31, 2005 Halloween pictures of the kids with a pumpkin, and in their costumes (Charlotte is Blue and Joshua is Steve from Blue's Clues). (7 pictures)

[hi] [low] October 25, 2005 Charlotte helping Joshua stand up. (1 picture)

[hi] [low] October 23, 2005 An afternoon at our church's fall festival. The kids got to wear their Halloween costumes (Blue and Steve from Blue's Clues). There was a castle-shaped moon-bounce, a giant slide, and plenty of games and activities, including face painting. (17 pictures)

[hi] [low] October 22, 2005 A visit to the botanical garden, followed by a messy dinner out (Charlotte had a peanut butter sandwich). (10 pictures)

[hi] [low] October 18, 2005 The kids in their comfortable TV-watching seats. (1 picture)

[hi] [low] October 15, 2005 A family outing to Tate's Farm, a cotton farm that grows pumpkins and has activities in the fall. The kids got to go on a hayride, play in corn kernels and cotton, and swing on a horse swing. (25 pictures)

[hi] [low] August 25, 2005 The kids enjoying an afternoon swim. (8 pictures)

[hi] [low] August 21, 2005 Joshua is too big for his infant car seat, so he got Charlotte's and she got a new Disney Princesses booster seat. (2 pictures)

[hi] [low] July 30, 2005 Charlotte and Joshua enjoying a Wiggles concert. (22 pictures)

[hi] [low] June 15, 2005 Charlotte feeding Joshua his cereal. (9 pictures)

[hi] [low] May 17, 2005 The kids hanging out with daddy on his birthday. (4 pictures)

[hi] [low] April 21, 2005 Charlotte and Joshua looking at each other. (2 pictures)